Southey Spray Park

This is the 3D replica of the proposed Spray Park.

Spray Park Board

Lisa Macomber (President)

Char Grudnizki (Vice President)

Shauna Wolfe-Hubick (Treasurer)

Rob Geiger (Town Liaison)

Update: We have completed our first stage of building. The plumbing and concrete are complete!

Some of our contributors have been $20,000 from Richardson Pioneer, $10,000 from Two Way Service-Ford, $5,000 from Town of Southey, $1,000 from Lisa Macomber and Prairie Central, $3,828.75 from Fall Fest donations and continued support from Southey Hotel and Steak Pit and our bottle drives.

We would like to thank everyone who has volunteered, donated money, bought a brick or helped in any way. The board can not thank you enough for helping make this dream come true.