Local Government

The Town of Southey elects a town council composed of a mayor and six councillors for a four year term.

2020 – 2024     Town of Southey Council

Mayor:  Greg AdelmanEmailg.adelman@southey.ca
Councillor:  Gordon Baragar (Deputy Mayor)Emailg.baragar@southey.ca
Councillor:  Robert GeigerEmailr.geiger@southey.ca
Councillor:  Ralph BoehmerEmailr.boehmer@southey.ca
Councillor:  Courtney GeigerEmailc.geiger@southey.ca
Councillor:  Harvey McEwen
Councillor: Christina Getz

Email: g.getz@southey.ca

Town of Southey Staff

Chief Administrative Officer (CAO): Cindy BaumgartnerEmail: townofsouthey@sasktel.net
Finance/ Administrative Assistant: Aimee GermainEmail: tosouthey@sasktel.net
Public Works Foreman: Tristian MohrEmail: southeyforeman@gmail.com
Assistant Public Works Foreman: Eric KainzEmail: southeymaintenance@gmail.com