Southey Adult Drama Club

The Southey Adult Drama Club has been bringing comedy to the community since 1987.

Our annual dinner theater performance usually falls at the end of February.

Our season begins in October, when we start the script-choice process, and ends following our annual performance.

Past event photos check out the following link:


Our actors and backstage professionals are all volunteer, community members who enjoy the feeling of putting together a great live performance.

We are always looking for new people to share their talents both on and off the stage.

Current Board Members

  • Nicole Toews-Tyndale (President)
  • Jolene Kainz (Vice-President)
  • Raquel Dyck (Secretary)
  • Melissa Johannsen (Treasurer)


SADC President – Nicole Toews (306) 726-4450


Link to our Facebook page:

Upcoming Events

Will be updated as soon as COVID restrictions lessen